Without a Vision, your Mission is susceptible to whims and interpretation. Don’t leave it hanging.

I bet your business has a mission. I bet you personally feel like you have a mission or two (or several) as well.

That mission pretty clearly defines what you’ve set out to do in the world. But does it answer why?


Ideally, we want to paint a picture of the version of the world we’re working toward. This picture is the vision of your business or your personal life. And most companies (and individuals, if you’re anything like me) skip right over it assuming everybody knows what it is.

The thing is, nobody can see what’s in your head – not even you sometimes. And if they can’t see what motivates you or your brand, they have nothing to rally around in support. The vision of your work provides the inspiration and fuel to keep the mission going.

Off Trail Without a Map

Missions without a shared vision lead to discord within businesses and groups. In these scenarios, the mission gets hijacked by various and often competing ideals among team members. People get hired because they support the mission but their motivations are out of alignment with the vision or purpose of the organization.

In these scenarios, leaders have a hard time leading and marketers have a tough time nailing the messaging or inspiring customer trust.

Getting Clear

Your vision is the unwavering cornerstone of your work. Having a clear vision frees you up to pivot when necessary – adjusting the mission when appropriate while not destabilizing your foundation.

Here’s a simplistic prompt I have used often with clients. I find it really helpful in sorting out your Vision from your Mission:

Vision: “I envision a world where_________”

Mission: “I am helping to make that world a reality by _______”

Now go back to your current mission and see if it answers the question of ‘why.’ And then, make sure it’s the right ‘why’.